Slow Me Down Line Dance NAME: Slow Me Down TYPE: 4 wall line dance LEVEL: COUNTS:44 CHOREOGRAPHER:Dee Greenberg PREPARED BY:Chuck Roman SUBMITTED BY:Chuck Roman MUSIC: "Slow Me Down" by Shelby Lynne COUNTS / STEP DESCRIPTION STEP AND HOLD: 1-8 Right Foot steps across Left Foot, hold, Left Foot steps across Right Foot, hold 5-8 Repeat 1-4 TOE TOUCHES TO SIDES, KICKS:(Execute the following 4 counts smoothly) 9&10 Right Toe touch to right side, bring Right Foot together, Left Toe touch to left side 11&12 Bring Left Foot together, Right Toe touch to right side, Right Foot together 13-14 Left Foot kicks forward twice 15&16 Step back On Left Foot, step back On Right Foot, step forward On Left Foot KICK-BALL-CHANGES, KICK AND STEP: 17-20 Two kick-Ball-changes starting with Right Foot 21-24 Right Foot kicks forward twice, step back On Right Foot, step back On Left Foot, step forward On Right Foot SHUFFLES AND PIVOT: 25-28 Shuffle step forward starting On Left Foot, shuffle step forward starting On Right Foot 29-32 Shuffle step forward starting On Left Foot, step forward on Right Foot, pivot one-half turn to the left and shift weight onto Left Foot SHUFFLES AND PIVOTS: 33-36 Shuffle step foward starting On Right Foot, Step forward On Left Foot, pivot one-half turn to right and shift weight onto Right Foot 37-40 Step forward On Left Foot, pivot one-quarter turn to the right and shift weight onto Right Foot, Step forward slightly On Left Foot, Step Right Foot across Left Foot 41-44 Pivot one-half turn to the left on both Feet, hold, Right Foot steps across Left Foot, pivot one-half turn to the left on both Feet REPEAT - --------------------------------------------------------------- Short-hand version of description: "Slow Me Down" 4-44 Choreographer:Dee Greenberg (4x2) RF across LF// hold// LF across RF// hold// repeat (4) RT to RS// RF together/ LT to LS/ LF together// RT to RS/ RF together/ (4) LKick x 2/// LF back// RF back/ LF fwd/ (2x2) RKBC x 2 (4) RKick x 2/// RF back// LF back// RF fwd// (8) LShuffle fwd/// RShuffle/// LShuffle/// RSP/// (4) RShuffle fwd/// LSP/// (4) LSP4/// LF fwd slightly// RF across LF// (4) pivot CCW2 on both feet// hold// RF across LF// pivot CCW2 on both feet// Music: "Slow Me Down" by Shelby Lynn