IN-CAHOOT SCOOT 1992 Line Dance Start with feet apart slightly, weight on both: Small waddle steps, i.e., each step is taken separately and the weight is shifted to each foot as the step is taken. Forward and Back Steps (hands are on the hips) (1) Small step forward on right, bring left even with right. (2) Small step backward on right, bring left even with right Forward steps (Right hand has imaginary lasso) (1) Small step forward on left, bring right even with left (2) Small step forward on left, bring right even with left (3) Small step forward on left, bring right even with left (4) Small step forward on left, bring right even with left Lunge steps with Hand & Foot. Coordination (1) Leave left foot in place and lunge (move upper body) to right, bending right knee as right toes touch floor and push back to original position, shifting weight to right. (Right arm across body point up) (2) Leave right foot in place and lunge (move upper body) to left, bending left knee as left toes touch floor and push back to original position, shifting weight to left. (Left arm across body point down) (3) Leave left foot in place and lunge (move upper body) to right, bending right knee as right toes touch floor and push back to original position, shifting weight to right. (Right arm across body point up) (4) Leave right foot in place and lunge (move upper body) to left, bending left knee as left toes touch floor and push back to original position, shifting weight to left. (Left arm across body point down) Quick Hopping Steps (1) Right heel touch in front & return (2) Left heel touch in front & return (3) Right heel touch in front, leave right heel in place and (4) Bending at the waist keep right leg straight out in front, at count 4 (Lower right hand to the floor on count 4 and as you bend and as you turn into count 5) (5) You are still bent at the waist as you turn 1/4 turn left on left foot, at count 5 (6) Rolling right foot from heel to toe, weight is now on both feet. Come up to standin g position on count 6 (7) Hold on count 7 (8) Clap hands one time on count 8 Start over A Little History This dance originated at the IN-CAHOOT SCOOT Club, the state may have been in Oklahoma. The dance some how came to Missouri and Joe Garcia put the hand movements to it. The dance quickly became popular and intact with the so called Hand & Foot. Coordination. Joe Garcia taught this dance on a local TV show in Missouri called "Country Western Dance Scouts" in 1993 Suggested Music "Help I'm White and Can't Get Down"